Pembroke Castle | Pembroke | Gales | Reino Unido

Pembroke Castle

Atracción | Pembroke | Gales | Reino Unido

Castillo de Pembroke – Una impresionante fortaleza con una historia real

El Castillo de Pembroke, uno de los castillos medievales más impresionantes y mejor conservados de Gales, se alza majestuosamente sobre una cresta de piedra caliza sobre el río Pembroke. La imponente fortaleza, que desempeñó un papel central en la historia británica, es hoy una de las atracciones más conocidas de Pembrokeshire y atrae a visitantes de todo el mundo.

Historia y significado
Los orígenes del Castillo de Pembroke se remontan a 1093, cuando Roger de Montgomery, un noble normando, construyó una primera fortificación de madera en este lugar estratégico. En el siglo XII, la fortaleza fue ampliada bajo el mando de William Marshal, uno de los hombres más poderosos de su tiempo. Marshal, considerado una figura clave en la historia inglesa, convirtió al Castillo de Pembroke en una de las fortalezas más fuertes del país.

En 1457, Enrique VII, futuro primer monarca de la dinastía Tudor, nació en el Castillo de Pembroke. Su nacimiento en el castillo lo convirtió en un lugar histórico importante para la futura Inglaterra. Durante la Guerra Civil Inglesa en el siglo XVII, el Castillo de Pembroke fue sitiado y finalmente destruido por las tropas parlamentarias, pero sus imponentes murallas y estructuras se mantuvieron en gran parte intactas.

Arquitectura y construcción
El castillo impresiona por su arquitectura masiva y su ubicación estratégica en un meandro del río, que proporcionaba una defensa natural. La gran torre redonda, que forma el corazón de la fortaleza, se eleva más de 23 metros y ofrece una vista espectacular de los alrededores. Las murallas están reforzadas con numerosas torres y bastiones, lo que las convirtió en una de las fortalezas más resistentes de su tiempo.

Destaca especialmente la gran cueva subterránea conocida como "Wogan Cave". En tiempos pasados, esta cueva podría haber servido como refugio natural o almacén, subrayando la importancia estratégica del lugar.

Atracciones y experiencias
Hoy en día, el Castillo de Pembroke es un lugar histórico fascinante que ofrece a los visitantes la oportunidad de sumergirse en el pasado medieval. Numerosas exposiciones y paneles informativos cuentan la historia del castillo y sus habitantes. Los visitantes pueden pasear por las ruinas, explorar las impresionantes fortificaciones y disfrutar de una vista impresionante de la paisaje circundante desde las torres.

El recinto del castillo también ofrece regularmente recreaciones históricas, visitas guiadas y experiencias interactivas, especialmente emocionantes para familias e interesados en la historia. Eventos especiales como torneos medievales, demostraciones de tiro con arco y festivales hacen que el pasado cobre vida.

El Castillo de Pembroke no solo es una obra maestra arquitectónica, sino también un importante testimonio de la historia británica. La impresionante fortaleza, vinculada con reyes, caballeros y grandes batallas, ofrece una experiencia incomparable para todos los interesados en la Edad Media y la historia británica. Con su impresionante arquitectura y su entorno pintoresco, el Castillo de Pembroke se cuenta entre los castillos más hermosos de Gales y sigue siendo un destino de viaje inolvidable.
Pembroke Castle Pembroke

Datos de contacto



SA71 4LA Pembroke

Vista de mapa


Domingo10:00 - 16:00
Lunes10:00 - 16:00
Martes10:00 - 16:00
Miércoles10:00 - 16:00
Sábado10:00 - 16:00


7248 Reseñas

Rotanna keefeson Okoli

👑 King Henry VII and his epic castle! History nerd alert 🚨 This stuff makes my imagination run wild thinking about life back then. #history #medieval #castles
debbie hayes

We had a brilliant time at this marvellous castle. The free guided tour by David was outstanding. His knowledge was phenomenal and it really gave us a good understanding of where Pembroke castle stands in history. In addition to the tour there is plenty of excellent exhibitions within the castle.
Paul Brandwood

It’s ok, we missed the guided tour which may have made our visit more enjoyable Gift shop is very small with limited range and the cafe was closed. We did go out of season but if you are paying the same as anyone in high season I feel your experience should be the same. List of barriers stored in piles along the route. Not ideal for anyone who has mobility issues and there is lots of steps to climb and the path doesn’t go all the way around. Your offer a guidebook on entrance however they dot advise that this is chargeable and only offer you have paid do they then offer you a free map. Not a great experience or really not worth a visit. I won’t be returning. We stayed half an hour and left.
Lisa Barnett

It is an amazing place to visit! So much history (as castles would have) but put over in a way to make it not only interesting but amusing as well. We had John as a guide, and he was all of the above. Fantastic experience, but we need another day to see it all. The castle is like a rabbit Warren with so much to explore, including a prehistoric cave beneath!
Roger Griffiths

Well worth a visit

Stunning castle with lots to do and lots of places to explore. Loads of interesting facts are too-definitely worth a visit, and the view from the top is unreal! Also, the cafe is nice too!
Simon Pieman

Very impressive large castle with lots of intact (roofed) rooms to explore. Don't miss Wogans Cavern which was a surprise feature worth seeing!
Brian Morgan

Would not recommend visiting at present as they are charging full price but there are so many parts with restricted access!!!

A beautiful castle, which is trust funded, and not overly-commercialized. It is a wonderful historical artifact well worth a visit. P.S Be weary if you use a walking stick or a wheelchair as many areas are steep stone staircases from the castles original construction.
JACKIE ronchetti

Lovely place, great views and entertainment for the family
Sarah Manns

Spectacular castle! And lovely food at the cafe, well worth a visit
Abhishek C L

Great Castle
Jose Gutierrez Danton

Amazing castle
Yvonne Bullock

Absolutely brilliant well preserved, beautiful castle well worth a visit lots of history.
Jayne Thomas

Visited the free Christmas market on a cold and rainy day. It did not dampen the day though. The stalls all had lovely things for sale. Lots of tasting which helped us decide what to purchase. Greeting staff were lovely as were all the stall holders
Bronwen Owen

Absolutely beautiful. Full of history, loads of things to see and explore. The cafe inside castle grounds is lovely.
Jeff & Jean Peace

Very interesting tour with Gareth. Inspiring.
Paula Rhodes

What a lovely day my partner, Spaniel and I had at the castle today. We thought it was well worth the entrance fee. We really enjoyed our guided tour with John, he was funny, very informative and helpful. We'll definitely be back.
Harry Brown

Brilliant Castle to explore. Guided tours are available. The storyline provided are brilliant with video areas dotted around the castle perimeter
Isaac Sadovich

We showed up on a very rainy Monday in November. Sue (the charismatic, knowledgeable, and friendly tour guide) did an incredible job of enlightening us on what life was like within the castle walls, aswell as giving us a mass overview of the history of the castle from the ground up. The free tour lasts around 1hr 15mins, and I'd highly recommend!

Sue is an amazing tour guide; her encyclopedic knowledge is incredible. I'd definitely recommend a visit to the castle if you're visiting Pembrokeshire and have half a day spare.


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